simple ideas for extreme Christianity

simple ideas for extreme Christianity


Veggin' or Vigilant?

Today's Christians are surrounded by media: reality TV, crime TV, movies, Scifi, news, commercials, YouTube, etc. Anyone at all aware of our culture would quickly realize that while these shows are entertaining, most of them contain only garbage. Any redeeming value is hard to find, so we must be on our guard. Don't just soak up everything from the Tube. Be an involved critic.

The question then must be, "How can we glorify God though our viewing habits?"

(taken from

I'm glad you asked. Adrienne Reynolds, author of, and I teamed up to share the tools available.

To see a presentation on "Reel Life" choices visit:


"Fit" for Service

Jeff Pill, former US soccer women's national coach and current Director of Soccer at Maranatha Baptist Bible College, shares his thoughts on the correllation between the Chrisitian life and a healthy lifestyle. His practicial tips explain how Christians should view fitness and exercise as a means to better service for our Savior.  
(photo from

Q: Is there a disconnect between the Christian life and an unhealthy lifestyle?

Coach: Yes. We are reminded that our "bodies are a temple of the Holy Ghost", and that we are to be faithful stewards of what God has given to us. When the body is treated with disdain, I see this as being unfaithful.

We are also commanded to present our "BODIES as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is our REASONABLE service."  How can we present something to the Lord that is not our best?  There are countless stories in the Bible of believers bringing a sacrifice to God that was determined to be "unworthy". I think the same principles apply.

What would we say to a fellow believer who was involved in:
  •  Alcohol addiction?
  •  Illicit drug use?
  •  Tobacco use?
  •  Promiscuity?
  •  Steroid use to improve athletic performance?
On a very basic level, we would say to them, "Don't do that, it is unhealthy. Those things are WRONG!"I think the same truths apply to not being good stewards of our body inregards to how we take care of it in regards to exercise and diet.

Q: Do you see physical fitness as integral to the Christian walk?

Coach: Yes.  See above. I think the same answers apply to this question. Plus, I think it is also a matter of our testimony in front of others. If I find myself in a counseling opportunity where I am engaged in a
conversation about self-control, or temperence. When it is OBVIOUS that I have not gained victory over those areas in my own life, then I disqualifymyself from being a totally effective WITNESS and TESTIMONY. Paul touched on this in I Corinthians:
"But I keepunder my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway. " I Cor. 9:24-27.

Q: There's an argument for both "stewardship of the body" and "bodily exercise profits little." How do you reconcile the two?

Coach: I think Mark 8:36 also applies. "or what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"

True, what good is it if I am this "super-buff" guy with a resting pulse rate of 38, and a VO2 Max of 82.2, but I lose my own soul!?

But, I Timothy 4:8 " profiteth little" implies that there is some profit in bodily exercise. As believers, like everything else, these two truths must be kept in balance.

I suppose the same principles apply towards earning an honest wage. Earning money profiteth little in comparison to being in the center of God's will. But, does that mean that we are to be irresponsible and not work for wages? I think the Bible speaks in favor of balancing both. "Work out our salvation" to me implies that once we are saved, we have a responsibility to make the most out of what God has given us. That includes our bodies! Not to GLORIFY them, but to take care of them, so that we can be effective in service to Him.

What good is it if we are trying to serve him but can't because we are constantly getting sick, or worn down, with no energy?!

Q: What practical advice/tips could you give a believer who wants to start taking care of his/her body?

1. GOLDEN RULE! ­The BEST exercise is the one that you will do!

2. Use the most muscles! Pick activities that will use the most muscles when deciding how to exercise. This includes things like x-country skiiing, walking, jogging, running, cycling.

3. Have fun! Make it a game whenever possible. (Sounds like a good excuse to start a pick-up soccer game!)

4. Get a partner. The accountability is helpful!.

5. Schedule it… but fit it in where possible: Bike commute, park far away, walk dogs.

6. Cross train, and weight train. This keeps things interesting and leads to total fitness. Plus, it adds the variety needed to keep things interesting.

it's all about perspective

The unbelieving world views life's difficulties as fate or as the god's wrath being poured out on them for wrongdoing.  They are always wondering if they are doing enough and try whatever they can think of to please the "gods." Nothing seems to be enough. They are being judged and given no escape. Perhaps it is karma, or destiny. Whatever title you give it, life is not fair. Life is hard. If there is a God, He certainly doesn't love me...just look at the evil in the world.


As believers, our perspective is completely different. Have you ever been through a tough time in your life? Maybe you questioned God or handled the situation poorly, but deep down inside you knew that God was in control. We see God's hand in the midst of trial. Difficulties are allowed in our lives to bring us closer to God. Suffering in this life is like a chisel that slowly chips away self and leaves nothing but our soul crying out to our heavenly Father. "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us." Romans 8:18
God is good all the time.

  • Rejoice that God is working in your life
  • Delve into Scripture
  • Ask God to mold you into the person he wants you to be
  • Be willing to change
  • Thank the Lord for his unending grace and mercies anew


The Motions

by Matthew West

This might hurt, it's not safe
But I know that I've gotta make a change
I don't care if I break,
At least I'll be feeling something
'Cause just okay is not enough
Help me fight through the nothingness of life

I don't wanna go through the motions
I don't wanna go one more day
without Your all consuming passion inside of me
I don't wanna spend my whole life asking, 
"What if I had given everything,
instead of going through the motions?"

No regrets, not this time
I'm gonna let my heart defeat my mind
Let Your love make me whole
I think I'm finally feeling something
'Cause just okay is not enough
Help me fight through the nothingness of this life

'Cause I don't wanna go through the motions
I don't wanna go one more day
without Your all consuming passion inside of me
I don't wanna spend my whole life asking,
"What if I had given everything,
instead of going through the motions?"

This songs speaks of the driving force behind our actions in life. The all-consuming passion of Christ within a believer should compel you to live your life in total surrender to your Savior. At the end of life, you don't want to look back and say, "I wish I had done more, or, if only I had given everything to God instead of pretending, or giving a half-hearted effort."

  • I don't want to go one more day caught in a quagmire of mediocrity. 
  • I'll stop going through the motions of a complacent Christian life and I will give everything.


dare to be desperate

As a young adult contemplating life's journey, I often feel like I am drowning in a sea of confusion and chaos. I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know where I'll be next year, and I am often more lonely than not. Sometimes I get the impression that I'm just not trusting God enough. Obviously a crucial element is lacking, but what? Graduation is looming and I'm becoming more desperate for direction. I comfort myself and answer people's inquiries by saying that I'm looking for God's will, or that He hasn't made His will clear to me yet, but how can I expect to understand the plans of One who I don't fully know?

The story goes that a man told a preacher that he really wanted to be desperately seeking to know God better. Willing to put that ambition to a test, the preacher brought the man to a pool. The preacher then grabbed the guy and held him under the water for long enough to scare him and brought him back up. The man came up for air gasping just long enough to fill his lungs with precious oxygen before the preacher repeated the process. The man came up gasping for air again.

I'm not sure that the story is true, but the point of the story poked holes in my self-will and deflated my prideful ambition. This man was clearly desperate for life-sustaining oxygen. The only thought on his mind was to get more air. I am embarrassed to say that I can't remember the last time I was so desperately seeking God that it was the only thing on my mind--my only purpose. I must take the focus off myself and put it back on God. My aim is to daily study His Word and pray without ceasing so "that I may know Him." I dare to be desperately seeking after the One who graciously continues to give that life-sustaining air, "so that His praise will continually be on my lips."


Precious Promises

Praise God that he has given us all that we need for life
and godliness. We can live a victorious Christian life
because we have been cleansed from our former sins
and set apart as partakers of the divine nature.

May we never become ineffective or unfruitful
in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ,
but live in light of our forgiveness and choose to
live the life of godliness that God has for us.


It Is Not Death to Die

Songs have a way of speaking directly to the heart. This song speaks to my heart like no other song ever has. It comforts the sorrowful soul and paints a beautiful picture of death for a believer. If you like the words, Sovereign Grace sings this song in their "Come Weary Saints" album.

It is not death to die
To leave this weary road
And join the saints who dwell on high
Who’ve found their home with God
It is not death to close
The eyes long dimmed by tears
And wake in joy before Your throne
Delivered from our fears

Chorus: O Jesus, conquering the grave
Your precious blood has power to save
Those who trust in You
Will in Your mercy find
That it is not death to die

It is not death to fling
Aside this earthly dust
And rise with strong and noble wing
To live among the just
It is not death to hear
The key unlock the door
That sets us free from mortal years
To praise You evermore

Original words by Henri Malan (1787–1864). Translated by George Bethune (1847). Music, chorus, and alternate words by Bob Kauflin


Total Restoration

Failure coupled with disappointment. You knew what to do and didn't do it. You let someone down. One of the most notorious examples of this is found in Matthew 26. In the aftermath of Christ's arrest, Peter is confronted with the opportunity to do the right thing. But he fails. Miserably. He not only denies his Lord, but he does so three times. Peter immediately realizes his mistake, goes out, and weeps bitterly. I imagine Peter feeling pretty low and ashamed especially when the very One he denied is hung on a cross to pay for all sin. His sin. This is where the story has always ended for me. I look down on Peter for his cowardice and strive to be bold in my faith.

Lesson Learned: don't be ashamed of following Christ

However, I'm not sure that this narrative is so much about boldness as it is about forgiveness and love. How is it that Peter goes out and preaches the gospel to all nations and is named "cornerstone of the church" if he bears the weight of betrayal on his shoulders? Simple. In John 21, the unfinished story of Matthew 26 climaxes into the most beautiful picture of complete restoration ever told. The resurrected Jesus approaches an obviously guilt-ridden Peter. At this point, Peter is most likely still beating himself up for denying Christ and is wondering if he will ever again be used for the Master's work. Jesus simply asks, "Peter, do you love me?" "Peter, do you love me?" "Peter, do you love me?" This is not Jesus being redundant or annoying, this is Christ restoring Peter three times over. After three times denying Christ, Peter is given three opportunities to say directly to his Savior, "Yes, Lord, You know that I love You."

Lesson Learned: Nothing separates me from the love of God. Forgiveness and restoration are freely offered. 


Cruise Control

Routine. We all have one. It’s an order of operations that we’ve found works for all of us individually and we are most comfortable when we are surrounded by certain controllable variables. A successful day is when we can put our heads down and coast through while everything goes exactly like it always has. Humans are creatures of habit. We find ourselves doing things for no other reason than that’s how we’ve always done it. Having a physical routine is essential to completing tasks throughout our day.
Mental cruise control, however, will greatly impact our interaction with others. Recently challenged about my routine, I realized that I become so focused on completing my tasks that I miss opportunities to reach out to others. Throughout the day we move in and out of different interactions as a part of our culture without a second thought. But we cannot be sensitive to the needs of others when we are self-absorbed in our schedule. We need to take a step back and be aware of our surroundings so we can move through life with eyes wide open, looking for opportunity to reach out to others.
A few simple ideas to get you started:
    - take a different route on your way to work or school
    - order something new off the menu
    - change the order of your morning routine

Source: Serving With Eyes Wide Open, David A. Livermore